When are you most active?

When are you most active?

That is, provided you like fitness and things of that nature. 

#GrumpyCat #Meme

I’m rather active. I like to run, hike, walk – get up and do things. I’d like to be more active, though, people will say ‘you’re psycho! you already workout enough.’ I actually get that now and I’m only active about 4 days a week which includes at least one 4.5mi run. That’s not active enough for me hahaha And that’s definitely not the most I have done at one time. Okay, so where are you going with this? 

The time I was most active was two summers ago when I was working about 30hrs a week. I worked and worked out; that was it. I loved it, and I looked good too hahaha! Between that summer and now, I’ve been at school and working out moderately – certainly not as much as before except for the month of October 2013 when I had a race every weekend. Now, I’m not working this summer, before my “big girl job” that starts in August. So I like have all the free time in the world aside from when I’m playing taxi. Do you think I get my butt out of bed like I used to? No and it bugs the poop out of me.

 Note to self.

I sleep in until like 1030 11am every day – what the heck?! Others think ‘OMG THAT’S AWESOME’, and all I can say is “WTF HAPPENED TO MY DAY?!’ I am most definitely an early riser but I can never get my butt out of bed these days and I don’t know why. It’s not like I’m doing anything! “Why don’t you just workout after that?” Asthma and nature allergies do not work in humid conditions.

So that’s why I pose the question: When are you most active? 

Based on my life, I’m more active when I’m already busy. Somehow I manage to rearrange my schedule to workout. But when I have all the time in the world, I don’t want to work out; my bed is beyond comfortable. If this is how others operate too, I can see why everyone is unhappy with themselves or the world.

This is what I tell my hubby when I go to the gym instead of watching hockey with him!!

I think some operate this way, but I also think others operate on the “I’m too busy and tired from work, why the hell would I workout on top of that?” Okay, so that makes sense, but workout before you go to work? Morning people have trouble understanding why others do not like to wake up early. Exactly!

Anyway, I just find it odd that I have all the time in the world but instead I’d rather stay in my hot room than bask in the gorgeous sunlight. At least one of those gives you a tan! I’m curious to see if it’s normal, or how others operate.

But really, if you’re the same or different in regards to working out, I’d love to hear your thoughts! I like conversations.

xo, LZE

Hilarious running motivation at a marathon might have to do this for some of my longer distance friends